Straight Title Robot Anime
The story of the anime is set in the year Mobile Century 8013. It has been over seven millennia since humanity was wiped out on Earth, but the surviving military robots continue to wage war with no end in sight. The war has embroiled the Rebellion Federation that controls Europe and the Principality of Shin centered in Asia. Three young robots stand up to put an end to this futile war.
AnimePiracy is a great site to watch anime Straight Title Robot Anime, SUB online. You can also watch Straight Title Robot Anime in HD or SD quality.
Overview: The story of the anime is set in the year Mobile Century 8013. It has been over seven millennia since humanity was wiped out on Earth, but the surviving military robots continue to wage war with no end in sight. The war has embroiled the Rebellion Federation that controls Europe and the Principality of Shin centered in Asia. Three young robots stand up to put an end to this futile war.
Other names: Straight Title Robot Anime , 直球表題 ロボットアニメ-STRAIGHT TITLE-, Chokkyuu Hyoudai Robot Anime: Straight Title, Straight Title Robot Anime, Chokkyuu Hyoudai Robot Anime: Straight Title
Rating: PG - Teens 13 or older
Episodes: 12
Aired: Feb 06th, 2013 to Apr 24th, 2013
Type: tv
AnimePiracy is a great site to watch anime Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, SUB online. You can also watch Boruto: Naruto Next Generations in HD or SD quality.