No. 6
The TV anime series No. 6 is created by studio Bones, based on a sci-fi light novel series authored by Atsuko Asano. The story is set in a future model city in 2013, called “No. 6?. Raised as a top-ranking elite since the age of 2, a boy named Shion lives in an exclusive area of the city. On the night of his 12th birthday, he rescues a boy who calls himself “Nezumi” (“Rat”). Nezumi ran away from the city’s Special Security Area. From that moment on, Shion’s life is changed forever…
AnimePiracy is a great site to watch anime No. 6, SUB online. You can also watch No. 6 in HD or SD quality.
Overview: The TV anime series No. 6 is created by studio Bones, based on a sci-fi light novel series authored by Atsuko Asano. The story is set in a future model city in 2013, called “No. 6?. Raised as a top-ranking elite since the age of 2, a boy named Shion lives in an exclusive area of the city. On the night of his 12th birthday, he rescues a boy who calls himself “Nezumi” (“Rat”). Nezumi ran away from the city’s Special Security Area. From that moment on, Shion’s life is changed forever…
Other names: No. 6 , NO.6[ナンバー・シックス], No.6, No. 6, No.6, Number Six, Number 6, No. Six
Rating: R - 17+ (violence & profanity)
Episodes: 11
Aired: Jul 08th, 2011 to Sep 16th, 2011
Type: tv
AnimePiracy is a great site to watch anime Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, SUB online. You can also watch Boruto: Naruto Next Generations in HD or SD quality.